March 30, 2016

My Clock Paintings!

Cat Clock
With pebbles and bottle cap!
And my Retablo Clock:
With pebbles and cut tissue rolls!

Recycling an Old Lamp!

Cora and I bought this old lamp at a garage sale
for only fifty pesos!
So I am going to paint it
to make it new again!
Lamp in progress for the #TimeLightProject

March 22, 2016

Sky Lamp!

The 'day' side
and the 'night side':
Lamp in progress using acrylic and textile paints, sequins, 
and cut canvas sheets on an old lampshade for the

March 16, 2016

Gameboard Clock!

Acrylic on canvas and on bottle caps

March 10, 2016

Ignacio Clock

I just added stones and extra paint
and I think I am done with this so
Lui can install the clock mechanism now . . .

Cat Clock

Acrylic on board with painted stones
and painted bottle cap for sun!