May 29, 2009

May 27 Plates

I do 3 to 4 plates per session with my art teacher Lui. And these are my plates last May 27 using a combination of crayons and oil pastels on colored felt paper.

Plate 1: This is my interpretation of a painting by Diego Rivera (the original below my work):

Lui said it takes two days for her other adult students to do a masters study. I did mine in 15 minutes! My work was done using purple felt paper.

Plate 2:
And this is my interpretation of a painting by Max Hermann Pechstein using pink felt paper.

The title of this painting is "rekonvalescentin" and my mother said it means re-convalescing. This painting was done in 1920, the year when my mother was born!

Plate 3: Woodpecker. Oil Pastels on Purple Felt Paper.

I love birds and I always call the attention of Lui whenever I hear the birds singing around me. We both love to hear the birds singing when we are having our art session.

Plate 4: Rainbow. Oil Pastels and Crayons on Black Felt Paper.

And this is my last plate for this session.
I love rainbows too.
The month of June is the start of the rainy season in the Philippines . . . so maybe I will see a rainbow soon!

And this is my Mom's work using oil pastels on black felt paper:

Mama loves doing flowers.
And she can draw them well.