July 30, 2011

Candle Holder!

This is one of the candle holders in our house with its own mini stand. Lui said it is the perfect object to practice my lines and shading techniques:

And my finished drawing:

Lui joins me in drawing and her work is always beside mine. But I think my drawing looks better and Lui agrees!

July 23, 2011

Bell Again!

Another small bell shaped like a woman! This one has the best sound of all and more happy memories!

July 20, 2011


This is one of the small bells we have in our house. I do not always notice it but my teacher Lui saw it and wanted us to make a bigger drawing of it so we can appreciate the design and the shape of it and the fun memories it brings!

July 14, 2011

Mini Lampara

I am making a larger-than-life drawing of our small lamp with Lui. I do this by following Lui's drawing (in smaller photographs above) and we do the details of the lamp together. And my finished work:

July 12, 2011


I love collecting stuff because I want to remember who gave them to me and the memories that go with it. But my teacher Lui told me that there are better ways to hold on to the memories and maybe to let go of some objects that are not usable and only collect dust which give me bad allergies and eat up space in my room. Lui said I can draw these objects and keep these drawings safe and handy in my sketchpad so I will not forget.