June 27, 2014

I Am Painting Again!

Last week I told Lui that I wanted to paint again so here I am this week with my acrylic paints! Lui brought a watercolor paper. I painted background with blue wash (blue paints with water) . . .

Then I made blue dots followed by yellow dots to make green landscape. I did the same on the other side. Then I painted the tree branches . . .

Then I made green dots for leaves and put yellow dots on top of it later. I also made yellow and red dots on the sides of the landscape. Then I applied black for shading . . . and here is my version of Claude Monet's Bridge painting done in an hour:

I also made a drawing of it using my watercolor pencils on my sketchpad and later painted over it using my brush and little water to blend my drawing. I did this version in 30 minutes! 
I think I want to paint again!